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Maize / corn silage

Maize / corn silage is an energy-rich forage alternative, and because of this, it is ideal for farmers wanting to increase milk yield. By finely chopping the material, you ensure that your cattle consume more and increase the milk yield additionally. Today, maize bales for animal feed are used in more than 40 countries and is therefore a preferred forage by many.

Maize/corn silage is made from the field corn plant, not the sweet corn that is more common for human consumption (due to higher sugar levels). Animal feed from maize/corn includes the whole field corn plant, stalks, leaves, cobs and kernels, and is harvested when the plant is still green and moist.

Maize/corn silage provides several advantages as a livestock feed, for example meeting the energy requirements of animals, support milk production in dairy cows, and promote weight gain in beef cattle. It is also a useful feed option during times of feed scarcity or drought when pasture availability is limited, especially if stored in bales.

Cattle fed with maize/corn silage from round bales produce in average 7 litres more milk per day, based on a study done by CRV Cattle Improvement in Holland. Another study, this one from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), compared losses of energy and protein between bales and silo. When the maize is compacted and wrapped in a round bale, the forage is protected from oxygen, which results in minimal losses. Additionally, bales provide easy storage and transport.

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Features baling maize silage

  • Dry matter
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    Dry matter
  • Kg bale weight
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    Kg bale weight
  • Tonnes per hour
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    Tonnes per hour

Maize/ corn silage baling

Effective maize silage baling has been possible since 2003, when the world's first commercial maize baler for chopped maize / corn silage was made: the Orkel MP2000. Now, forage maize bales are used in more than 40 countries.
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